No School Monday, January 20! Enjoy the Holiday!! ¡No hay clases el lunes 20 de enero! ¡Disfruta las vacaciones!
Holiday Break/Potluck Tomorrow we release at 12pm as usual. We will have potluck to celebrate the holiday. Please bring a dish to share with our Premier family. Students return on Tuesday January 7. Have a safe and restful break.
Fall Festival Saturday November 2 11am-2pm Free Fall Festival, Food Trucks, Fun Games, and Activities
Gratefulness and Celebrations Congratulations to Henie Aurelian-Most Units Completed 1st Quarter, Yolanda Silva-1st Graduate 2024-25 School Year, and Holly Parker-Teacher of Quarter
Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday October 17 Parent Teacher Conference Thursday October 17 12-2pm and 5:30-7pm. Drop by anytime during these hours. Early Release Thursday according to the calendar. We have had some trouble with our report card system. Feel free to come by to get an updated report card and test scores from this year and last year.